Happy Halloween Everyone!

Hi everyone! I apologize for my brief absence.

The last two weeks have been quite eventful, and I had a lot to contend with including (takes a deep breath):


  1. Finishing an online certification course in programming
  2. Submitting an application for research funding (for my PhD in Robotics)
  3. Finishing the last chapter of my second book
  4. Starting my Research Assistantship in the Robotics lab at the U of A (very, very exciting)
  5. Finish reading the The Silmarillion, and starting on Carl Sagan’s Dragons of Eden.

All in all, it was just about a lot of work and having fun whenever possible. I’m especially happy about #3. It was an amazing ride of feelings to write up the last few pages of my second book. The epilogue remains to be completed (this week), though it will be a short piece of work, followed by the more arduous task of content editing. As of now, I’m looking at a page count of about 120 or so, though given my past experience in editing Our Last Summer: A Personal Memoir, this number is bound to change.

Now that I’m nearing the completion of my second book, I can’t wait to get started on brainstorming my next three to four writing projects which will span various genres from politics, science fiction, and fantasy. I also intend to write a short story in my native language of Tamil (haven’t written in it for years, so it will be one hell of a fantastic mess) and which will serve as the third and final act of a trilogy of books that have been inspired from my personal life, including Our Last Summer, and my second book (call it Agent X). The coming week I will also begin my courses in manga art/drawing (a crucial aspect my upcoming writing projects, some of which will be in the form of manga/comics).

Apart from this, I’m keeping busy as we near the end of the year. Working as a research assistant in a robotics lab is exciting as heck, and I have lots to learn from my peers. My plans for this coming week are to post some promotional material for Our Last Summer as well as also provide for some new topics of discussion involving science and a slice of life.

I will keep you all posted in the coming days! For now, I’m going to sit back, relax, and just creep myself out with this beauty as for All Hallows’ Eve:



This Week’s Update!

Hi everyone!

Here’s the weekly update from me!

Apart from being excited about the influx of likes, and new followers (to all of whom I give a hearty welcome to The Pensive Reverie),  I have been busy the past week compiling the latest of results that I will have to submit in my Masters thesis. It is a killer, but it has been an enjoyable experience so far, and I can’t wait to continue on towards PhD studies in Robotics!


Leina, and I, along with our close friends also had the chance to enjoy some beautiful fireworks by Saskatchewan Drive, last weekend, as we celebrated Canada Day! It was a beautiful evening, despite occasional mosquito bites, and the eventual downpour of rain.

Having tackled “Constructing an Identity,” I’ve now decided on a second topic to post. It has been cooking in my mind for a few weeks, particularly after a highly encouraging, and ridiculously cheese-vegilicious  Make-Your-Own-Pizza session at home!

It was worth the try! Probably my second serious attempt at baking anything!

Oh yes, I love cooking! I tend to liken my approach to cooking with that of a creative activity, allowing me to mix the right ratio of spices, and broths of my taste, to help stimulate my mind, as well as satiate my hunger. In that creative vein, I found a suitable candidate for the next topic I would like to address in this blog, regarding the notion of peace as a euphemism for power.

I intend to once again use a medium of my choice, in this case a brief book review of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan, and a good dose of reference to the extended universe of the franchise, to guide my discussion of the topic.

A damn, good book for any reader interested in the Star Wars lore!

Though I haven’t finalized a date on when I will publish the post, I’m hoping to complete it, and have it up on the blog within a week or so. In the meanwhile, I will post short messages on my daily adventures, and on anything interesting that catches my eye.
