Living the DBZ Life!

For starters, if you don’t know what DBZ means, I’m referring to one of the most successful Japanese manga and anime series of all time: Dragonball Z.

DBZ was the first anime I actually watched on TV, and not at my home. Rather, it all went down when my family and I took a trip to Singapore. Long story short, my father had to pry me away from the TV in our hotel room to go on the tour when I would have rather preferred watching the anime instead.

Sounds stupid in retrospect but cut me some slack, I was a 10 year old kid seeing anime for the first time. Little did I know then, that 20 years into the future I would LITERALLY live the DBZ life. So what do I mean by that?

Well, it all has to do with the circumstances of my life over the last few months starting from finishing my doctoral studies, then seeking a steady line of employment (continuing to do so), and most importantly, becoming a Dad. The latter is probably the BIGGEST influencer.

Being a Dad is no easy task (Moms have it even harder) and I’m yet to get used to the role. I still find myself gawking at the fact that there is another tiny human being in my life who loves and wants to be the center of my attention 24/7.

But all that cuteness comes with a steep prize. So, why not I list out how this DBZ Dad’s day goes.

1. Raging Ozaru = Sleep is Overrated

In my previous post, I spoke extensively on the value of sleep as a parent and how it is underrated. Yeah, scratch that. 6 months in, and I can confirm that at this point, sleep is overrated. At some point, you realize that your body just gets used to being awake at night, and starts functioning like a supercomputer, because you would rather lose some sleep as opposed to having your baby daughter cry.

WHERE IS MY SECOND BREAKFAST? I WANT TO PLAY! – The Ozaru transformation is just a small sliver of the power my baby daughter has. Its even easier because she doesn’t need a full moon to become this cute bundle of unbridled rage.

2. Milestones = Dragonballs

Babies absorb the world in their own way and it leads to all kinds of learning. Every now and then, my baby daughter will learn a brand new skill, and set a new milestone in her development. After each one, there would be something new to her personality. After a while, following along on her growth, I found that keeping track of these milestones was no different than seeking the ever elusive Dragonballs.

What would I wish for? Not unlimited power or immortality (as Vegeta would love to), rather that my baby girl continues to be as cute as she is now for like forever.

3. Skyping Kame House

Unwinding is important. Taking care of a baby is tough, no matter how cute they are, and that constant need for attention can become exhausting. That’s what friends and family are for. In a pandemic ridden world, my wife and I have found solace in getting our weekly venting sessions by skyping Kame House (collectively housing our families and friends).

#dbz from meezumaki
Never have I spoken or laughed or been teased as much by family and friends as I am now. Much like an island retreat, I now enjoy these weekly sessions.

4. Nursery = Hyperbolic Time Chamber

The hyperbolic time chamber refers to a location in the DBZ world where one year in the chamber is the equivalent to one day in the real world. DBZ characters would frequently use the harsh conditions of the chamber to train and become stronger.

To me, this is no different than entering the domain of my baby daughter, her nursery. It is a tense environment where one’s mental fatigue fluctuates between the rising need for more diapers, the occasional shrieks and screams, and a boatload of crying that tears one’s heart asunder.

Best Hyperbolic Time Chamber GIFs | Gfycat
But when all is said and done, and my baby girl is fast asleep or smiling in her crib, I get to walk out like this.

5. Training to beat Goku or at least Yamcha.

To keep up with a baby, you have got to train hard. Training here is quite different though, and you have got to learn along the way.

I can never predict what my baby daughter would do the next moment, and so, training to be mindful of her environment and her emotions have become crucial to tackle anything she throws (figuratively and literally) at me.

At the least, I do my best to get to the same level of badass that is Goku. The exact opposite extreme is Yamcha, and sometimes helping my baby daughter is trying to aspire between these two extremes.

For now, I can’t deny I’ve come off feeling more like a Yamcha after heeding to her calls, despite feeling like a Goku for myself.

6. Becoming a Z Warrior

Despite the sleeplessness and the constant fatigue, I can say that I have never lived this strongly in the present and that is among the best gifts my baby daughter has given me, besides herself.

It is also inherently characteristic of a Z warrior where the focus is not on who we can beat to a pulp, in highly relativistic fights, but dedicating oneself to a consistent regimen where we strive to be the best not only for ourselves but also for our loved ones.

Being with my daughter has helped me face my own personal challenges head on and with a positive attitude. In the process I’ve gained more strength to aspire for greater heights.

7. The Eternal Adventure

The best part of my day is when my baby daughter is blissfully asleep in her crib. I do not mean this in the sense that my wife and I can finally catch a break. Rather, it is in the spirit of the emotion I feel when my baby girl bids me goodnight, knowing that her father will always love her and how much more he is looking forward to the surprises she is ready to throw his way the following day.

I find this emotion be similar to the excitement and amazement I felt in watching DBZ and immersing in its world as a kid myself.

#baby pan from msdbzbabe
It makes it all the more awesome that I can feel the same with my baby daughter, in what I feel is an eternal adventure where I get to see my whole world anew through her life.